Tuesday, January 13, 2009


If the rumor is true about Vanessa Hudgens in the running for role of Leah Clearwater in the up coming Twilight Movie I think I might VOMIT. No, I take that back I KNOW I WILL VOMIT. For those of you who do not know who she is ( I am sure that is a lot of you ) she is the girl from HSM (high school musical). She also dates Zac Efron (dreamy, think young Brad Pitt). I can handle him in other movies but NOT I repeat NOT HER. Gah, Twilight why don't you go ahead and ruin the entire movie while you are at it because it seems to me you are on that track. I feel so strongly about this I am trying to find a web site to write in to about how much I DO NOT WANT HER CAST. Just because your young fans (MAYBE and I mean MAYBE) watched HSM (I have not and I refuse to do so) doesn't mean you put someone from their tween days into the movie. They want to move past those days. ALSO, she is lame and can not act. Sure she can lip sing in HSM and get by but this is a BIG SCREEN PRODUCTION not some Disney movie tWeenager. You might as well cast me in the role. Sure, I am not the correct ethnicity for the role but as of right now I feel you have lost and I REPEAT lost your mind. Please tell me where I can send in my audition tape.

Ok Ok OK maybe I am being a little harsh. SO Twilight, let's make a deal. I am already certain this movie will blow (it is my least favorite book by FAR) so go ahead and put her in it. BUT RECAST HER in the remaining movies. There is no way she is going to be able to pull off looking 25. Hell, I am 25 and don't even look it. I am forewarning you that BY putting her in this movie it will make me hate Jacob and his clan even more. So go ahead and do it. I DARE YOU! But don't expect me to go see the movie 5 times. Maybe only twice, if I can stomach it.


Cameron said...

Tell us how you really feel!!! I can only imagine if they tried to put her in a Harry Potter movie. I would love for you to recap that idea...

Bass said...

I would cut her... jk only if the secret disney police is reading this...