Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I had to drive up to Seviervill this morning to do something for work and along the way I was listening to the new Taylor Swift cd. There is a song on there called Fifteen, and it is about her experiences as a fifteen year old. Well this got me reliving experience at fifteen, which was 10 YEARS AGO.

Any who.

I turned fifteen about a month into my freshman year of high school. Man, I was all over the place back then. I didn't have a clue what was going on. I would just beebop along in my own world.

Let me set the stage for you.

I was 5'2" (some things haven't changed) with braces, bangs, and NO fashion sense. I had the same best friend from middle school. People swore we were the same person, because we went everywhere and did everything together. A lot of my really good friends from middle school went to another high school than me so I was trying to juggle hanging out with them and the new friends I was meeting. I think some people believed a few of my middle school friends went to my high school because I made them come to everything with me. That year, I also had my first sorta real boyfriend and my first real break up (my doing of course haha).

I was LOUD (some things haven't changed) and I would talk to the wall, if it would have talked back. One teacher even put me in front of her desk to be sure I would behave during class. Another put me far against the wall so I would stay out of her way. (got to love Ms. Harris) I even drew a picture in that class of a person camping with their feet sticking out of a tent. I hung it on the wall without her ever knowing. It stayed there all semester.

I remember I wore overalls A LOT of the time. There were a few boys who were really tall freshman year, I am talkin like 6'5'', and they would lift me up from the back of my overalls so I could see over everyone in the East Mall. After a few times my buttons popped off. Side note: the east mall is a place where students gathered during class change. Freshmen weren't supposed to be in there but like I said I was in my own world.

I believe I went to every football, basketball, soccer game that year. AND by went to I mean decked out to the 9 in my school colors and screaming at the top of my lungs. As a freshman we would get to the game really really early and would always try to get really close to the front rows, which was not allowed by upper classmen. Almost all of the time we got kicked out of our seats and sent to the opposite end of the cheering section. I was also a member of the golf team, jv and freshmen basketball team, and the track team (I wasnt even fast). Talk about trying to do it all.

OH and the best thing of all I had to ride the bus home from school EVERYDAY.

Got to love being 15!!!!!!!!!!


Unknown said...

Wow, we were really uncool in high school. How come no one told us not to wear overalls? They made us all look like giant potato sacks. Very flattering.

Also- being the backups' backup in track, not so cool. You & me = not fast.

Cameron said...

haha, I loved your memories from high school. I have my 10 year this summer. Maybe I will have to do some posts on pre and post reunion. Could be entertaining. We will see...